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Alcansar al mundo para Cristo, dando ayuda al hogar, comunidad y al mundo.

Reaching the world for Christ through help in the home, community and the world.

Implementar ayuda mutua con otras Iglesias en la comunidad para alcansarlas para Cristo.

Implement a mutual help system through the cooperation of other churches to reach others for Christ.

Reach, disciple and teach others.

Alcansar, discipular y ensenar a otros.

History since 1977, Jesus has changed this community and continues to amaze us. Pastor Manuel Perez and Elizabeth and family served for many years

Ulysses KS

After nearly 40 + years of ministry work. Manuel and Elizabeth went on to be with the Lord.

New Pastors

Passing of the baton.  Pastor Gustavo and Rocio Perez and family are now serving and planning to do what God has called them to 🙏 do.

Our Mission/Nuestra Mision

This is our Story

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